Cindy Charles
Founder of Fertility Know How
Hi, my name is Cindy Charles and I am the founder of Fertility Know How!
I know how devastating it can be to experience fertility problems.
My fertility journey started aged 32 and as it is for so many women once married, starting a family felt like our next step.
Two years sailed by and we decided to go for tests. All seemed OK and we were referred to a local Consultant for further investigations. These scans showed there was damage to my Fallopian tubes and internal adhesions, which was something I had been completely unaware of. Surgery followed to try and improve my situation but unfortunately, it didn’t result in pregnancy.We were then encouraged to try IVF by our Consultant, which we did quite naively twice without asking too many questions and without success.
The costs were beginning to mount up as we were ineligible for NHS funding but we battled on and decided to try a different clinic that had services better equipped for our scenario.
All our learning was through trial and error, as we didn’t know anyone at the time that was in the same situation. It was stressful, as well as emotionally and financially draining.
This is why I’m so passionate about supporting individuals and couples to find the right treatments and clinics for their needs. I know what a huge difference it can make when you have the right knowledge and support in place rather than fumbling along and hoping for the best.
Finally, our third IVF attempt was successful and I now have a daughter aged 11 and a son aged 8.
Following our experiences, I decided to try and work in the sector to provide services that I felt were lacking when I was a patient. I trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Reiki practitioner before working for Fertility Network UK and then as a Fertility Coach for London Women’s Clinic on Harley Street for a few years, running support events and activities designed to make patients feel heard and empowered.
Having been where you are now, I want to guide you on your journey – and hopefully towards your own happy ending. Let’s save you the Time, Tears and Money by connecting you to the very best clinical and holistic practitioners available!
If you’re ready to access our unique Fertility Triage Service, get in touch with us to see how we can help.
I feel privileged to be able work with individuals and couples to help them manage their physical and mental well-being during their fertility journey and look forward to meeting you soon…
– Cindy
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